Today, the last of the sprouts have indeed sprouted!
Introducing Rockwell Red Bell Pepper. |
Introducing Prometheus Parsley. |
Also, last night I found an amazing garden gnome to watch over the operation while I'm away.
Introducing Gnelson the gnoble gnome. |
(Did you see what I did there with the use of "g"? Clever, right?)
Also, I did plant the blackberry and raspberry bushes the other day like I said I would. Although, I'm not going to post any pictures of them because (frankly) they look like a few sticks someone shoved in the ground out of boredom. So, once they (if they) start growing anything, I'll show you how they look. I will share something I thought was pretty cool about the berry bush planting experience though. While I was digging my holes, I came across buried treasure!
Behold, a quarter from 1988! |
It's no pirate booty, but I'll take what I can get. It's two years shy of being as old as I am and that's pretty neat. Especially if it's actually been in the ground that long (somewhat unlikely, but it's a cool thought).
And now, for the second part of this entry. I'm sure your wondering, "what's the deal with the 'getting ripped' part of this post's title?" (Or, maybe you aren't) Regardless, let me explain. I have tried many different workout routines and programs (gym memberships, running, Insanity, and countless other workout DVDs), but have yet to stick with one for more than a month or so. During the past few months, I've seen my tummy pooch expand and found the stairs at school more difficult to conquer each day. I've also been listening to Jillian Michael's podcast on the bus ride to school and getting increasingly inspired. First, I bought all my groceries without any corn syrup (or corn sugar, those tricky food companies are tricky indeed). For the past week or so, I've been corn syrup free (from what I can tell, unless I'm getting some from eating out occasionally). Then, yesterday I decided it was time to add exercise to my new routine, so I went out and bought some hand weights and Jillian Michael's (fairly) new release, Ripped in 30. As stated by Miss Michael's, "I have one job and that's to make you look crazy, ridiculous, sick, insane, amazing." Sounds good, Jillian. I'm in! My first workout was this morning and I'm feeling pretty good. Each workout is about 20 minutes long with circuits of strength, cardio, and abs. There are four different levels of workouts and each week you move to the next level. I plan on doing the workouts six days a week with one day of rest. I'll be weighing in each Friday (since that's the day I started on) to track my progress. I made a little calendar to get me through the next month and record my weigh-ins. I figure, if I can workout for an entire month, six days a week, hopefully that will instill an exercise habit in my brain and I will continue working out indefinitely. (I can do this, I can do this.)

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