I made some extra money on my last paycheck because my co-worker was on vacation and I was able to pick up some of her hours. So, since I've been wanting to start a garden (for the past forever), I was able to buy all the supplies I needed to make it a reality. I got a raised garden made of recycled materials (score!), lots of gardening soil (duh!), and an awesome seed kit that is specially made to go with the raised garden. It came with these awesome layout sheets showing how to space the seeds and at which depth to plant them. One side is a salsa garden with tomatoes, tomatillos, jalapenos, serranos, onions, cilantro, basil, and parsley. The other side is a vegetable garden with yellow squash, zucchini, red tomatoes, yellow tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, bush peas, and red bell peppers. I thought it would have been a lengthy project, but it only took about an hour to put together the raised garden, layout newspaper, fill in the dirt, and plant the seeds. After the garden's completion, I realized I don't have a watering can, so Josh and I made about seven trips from the sink to the garden with a blender, coffee pot, and measuring cup full of water to make sure all the seeds got a proper drink. After all that, I also came to realize the amount of ridiculous in our watering method (and an amount of relief that none of the neighbors walked by while we were doing it), so we set off in search of a watering can. After running (literally) to CVS, Savers, the Dollar Tree, and HEB, we found the perfect watering can (at HEB). Savers had an adorable one that was way too small for my needs, so I had to leave it for someone else to discover. Anway, I'm so excited about my awesome little garden. I've been watering it regularly, Josh and his mom both said the seeds need to stay moist until they start really growing into plants, then I can lay off a little. I'll keep updating my little garden's progress as spring and summer progress. Here are some photos of the building process:
Pre-construction |
Post-construction |
Full 'o dirt |
They make it where a five year old could do it!
(I spy Josh's feet at the top of the photo) |
Our terrible watering job. It looks much better now. |
that's so awesome! in germany i have yet to find a place that sells cilantro.... boo to that! so, now i'm jealous... maybe i should grow my own. haha.