I have to play catch-up! Because I've been so overwhelmed with school, I haven't been able to blog about happenings!
Firstly, Saturday before last, I got the opening shift. So, after work, my wonderful betrothed went with me to the library to check out some more books for my research paper (which is on the verge of done, final edits are being attended to). After that, we went to EZ's for an amazing late lunch. They redesigned their menu and I think I'm okay with it. Here's what I had (I know, carb overload...Josh ate my bread on the pasta plate and we shared the other bread item):
Basil pasta with steamed veggies and parmesan cheese. YUM! |
A new menu item: basil and goat cheese bread!
Are you kidding me?! So awesome. |
After that, we went across the street to Central Market so I could buy a bottle of wine for my sister and I to have that night. My (amazing, wonderful, lovely) sister bought us painting classes at this new place over by Trudy's called Painting with a Twist (the twist is you get to drink while you paint, haha). Normally, I prefer beer. Well, normally, I don't drink much anyway. So, at Central Market I was in a maze of wine and finally decided on one with a neat picture that sounded nice from the little description (luckily, it was really good and sweet).
Here's the wine in a classy plastic glass. |
Paint! |
My sister painting. |
Our finished products. |
We had such a great time! There were thirty-ish people there and an instructor kindly led us through a relatively mess-up-proof way to make a painting that someone could pretty noticeably relate to the amazing Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night. As you can see, we even got to wear paint covered aprons which made me, personally, feel much more like a pro. The wine definitely helped the process along.
The next day was Easter. So, I woke up early to workout with Jillian (dedication, I'm tellin' ya). Then, I picked up my grandma and headed to the 'rent's house. We had a good time until I got a terrible headache and got a bit cranky. I finally broke down and took some medicine (which I hate doing) and got to feeling better. After that, my amazing mom (who happens to be a teacher, momma, and Super Woman) edited my research paper with me. Then, once my laundry was finished and I was completely worn out, I took my grandma home and headed home myself.
My oldest nephew counting his eggs after the hunt. |
Fast forward to this past weekend, my friend Esther's band (the incredible) Midwives had a show at the 29th Street Ballroom. So, Josh, Bailey, and I went to see them play. When we got there, we saw some other friends that are neat. Bailey and I showed off some sweet (clumsy) dance moves. The show was awesome, as usual. So awesome, in fact, that Josh, Robbie, Bailey, and I hollered for an encore until they felt like they were pretty much forced into playing another song. It was great.
I really love this guy. |
Creeper shot of the bartenders. |
The Midwives with Josh and Robbie standing up front. |
I love this picture of Robbie and Esther. |
Bailey and I with a Joshie mouth in the background. |
Josh and Robbie. |
Baby bump! |
And, the finale, I got to feel a baby kick for the first time ever! Stephen's wife is adorably preggo and she let my feel her little baby kicking around. It was amazing. I cannot wait to have children (although, I can wait to have weirdos like myself wanting to feel up on my belly).
i wanna drink wine and paint! and that food looks ammmaazzing!
ReplyDeleteOh! That painting class sounds awesome! Where can I find more info on it? (Oh, and Hi! I creepily started following your blog after you posted something about it on facebook :p)
ReplyDeleteBailey: We should drink wine and paint soon!
ReplyDeleteLily: http://www.paintingwithatwist.com/ is the website for the painting place. It's super fun, but a little pricey. $35 a person. Although, that includes everything; the paint, canvas, teaching, etc. You just bring your own booze. And, hi! I'm glad you're following my blog! Not many people do, haha. We should get together soon, this semester ends in a week and I'll be much less busy/super stressed. By the way, I LOVE your earrings and would buy them all up if I still had holes open and my ears weren't enormous and I wasn't already trying to draw attention away from them. :D