Today, Josh and I had our first final of the semester for, arguably, the most useless class we've ever taken in our entire career of higher education adventures. It had the potential to be a great class, although, we have a completely crazy teacher that spends lecture sessions talking about non-sense and attempting to teach with other instructor's slides he's dug up on the internet. Sometimes, he will spend the entire class lecturing on one slide, then look up at the clock and realize his ramblings have eaten up 90% of the class. Then, he will proceed to fly through the rest of the slides in ten minutes giving you no possible chance to obtain any sort of information from them. I have no idea how this man obtained his doctorate degree. I can only assume the panel he had for his dissertation was overwhelmed with his heavy accent and use of computer terms and awarded it to him out of fear he would keep speaking about tiger mothers in China and asking if everyone was awake back there. Luckily, this nut head of a teacher provided a review for the final and Josh and I studied pretty intensely for this exam. Unfortunately, my notes consist of a lot of drawings (since no information can be taken from the lecture sessions, labs on the other hand were very informative). So, we got all of the final review information from our text books and (the greatest invention of all time) the interwebs. When we got to the final this morning, we were surprised to see a question asking us to do something that, not only he had never taught in class, but also something that wasn't mentioned on the review! From what information I had, I did my best, although I did lead up to my answer with a little paragraph telling him that he never taught us how to do the task in class, nor was it included on the final review. Hopefully he sees my note and realizes everyone in class deserves credit for such a random question (that happens to be worth 20 points!!). Other than that, I feel like I did alright on the test. We shall see...
Some of my notes. |
Some more notes. |
Some more... |
And, some more... |
In 100% of my other classes, I don't draw any pictures. It is specific to this one class. Alright, enough about that class, I took the final and am completely finished with it. Out of sight, out of mind.
A couple of days ago, Josh and I were both off work and went to one of our favorites for breakfast, Austin Diner.
I want all of these things for my kitchen! |
Cute sleepy boy. |
We had an amazing breakfast which made going home to study much easier to accomplish. Although, our eating didn't help my losing weight cause. Today is the first day of week four (the last week) of my ripped in 30 regiment. I weighed myself this morning to find I have gained one and a half pounds from my weigh-in last Friday, totally depressing. Although, Josh tried to cheer me up by telling me it's because I'm getting so ripped and gaining muscle. I think that may be part of it, but I really can't believe I've gained one and a half pounds of muscle in one week, it's a nice thought though. So, even though I'm not having an incredible weight loss, I do feel a lot better and somewhat skinnier. I can tell I'm getting stronger as well, I'm able to do the workouts without taking a breathing break or water break (mostly).

Also, my garden is going crazy! Everything is doing pretty well, except for a few stragglers, but I think they'll come around. I'm really excited about how quickly everything is coming up and becoming more plant-like. On Wednesday, when Josh and I were walking home from Austin Diner, we were checking out all of the gardens in the neighborhood, there were a ton! It was awesome to see how many people are deciding to grow their own food. There was even someone with grapevines growing in their front yard! I can't wait until my plants start blooming and actually producing, I'm going to be cooking like crazy. One bummer was an infiltration of (what the internet told me were) leaf miners. They basically look like squiggly lines on the leaves of the plants and they're little bugs you can't see chillin' in your leaves making your plant all sad and bummed out. So, I did what the internet recommended and squished all the leaves with the squiggly lines and everything seems okay. Hopefully it stays that way! Cornelius has some leaves with white on the edges that are looking a little sad, but I'm hoping it's just a phase he's going through. Anyway, here's a couple of updated photos.
Gnelson is about to get overtaken by Zeus and Yale. |
Everyone's growing strong! |
OH YEAH! One more thing, my sister sent me this link:
click here. So, it looks like I'm going to workout with the one and only Jillian Michaels a week from tomorrow! I'm so excited I can barely stand it! It's pretty much perfect timing since I'll be completing
Ripped in 30 on Thursday. Hopefully that will get me in good enough shape to be able to keep up with the workout she does next Saturday. If anyone wants to get up super early on a Saturday and go with me, let me know (I don't know if it will be possible to get Josh out of bed that early on a weekend day, my sister will be out of town, and it's too early for my mom to have to drive into town from faraway-ville where my parents live; so, I may be riding solo)!
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