Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wedding Blog Mania

Does anyone realize how many wedding blogs are present on the interwebs today?  I've had a recent obsession (and by recent, I mean the last two days) with wedding blogs.  It all began with the possibility of finding a wedding venue.  After loving the location initially, I began to research the photography done at the location.  For me, a wedding venue is as much about it's beauty in reality as it is about the ability to get lovely photographs at the location.  Naturally, looking at photographs from the location led me to photography blogs, which then led me to wedding blogs!

Thankfully, three of my classes were cancelled today which gave me ample time to browse these never ending blogs.  I think my favorite so far is the Austin Wedding Blog.  It has great Austin wedding examples, do it yourself projects, and other wonderful ideas and suggestions with a local flair.  I've already filled my mind with fabric flowers and centerpiece decor.  The Knotty Bride blog is also fun, though I prefer the Austin Wedding Blog because you don't have to click those pesky "continue reading" links to see the rest of the photos.  So far, those are the two main blogs that I have navigated in detail.

And, yes, maybe a year and a half is too soon to be obsessing over wedding decor and other minor details. But, I'd say, I know from experience, time flies.  Time goes by especially quickly while attending school full-time and working part-time.  Also, I will mention that it is in my genes to plan, I get it from my mother.  Vacation itineraries, to-do lists, and a bi-weekly budgets are a way of life for me.  It puts me at ease to have a plan and, I dare say, it drives my betrothed crazy at times.  Alas, after eight years together, he's learned to live with me quite literally.

In closing, my future husband and I are taking engagement photos at the end of this week.  By the way, I couldn't be more excited about it!  I will say, in a completely self conscious statement, I realized after viewing a recent photo, my arms need some toning.  So, although it's too late for the engagement photos, I hope to get toned (but not Madonna toned) arms by the time I get married.  So, there, I've put it out there to the world of the interwebs and I will try my hardest to keep my word.  I didn't get EA Active 2 on the Wii for nothing after all!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I made a blog today.

Last night I spent about an hour and a half looking at my old livejournal.  It hasn't been updated in over five years!  It was really interesting to read about the important things I thought were post-worthy, not to mention all of the photos from that time.  That livejournal was created when I was still in high school.  As I was reading through it (and laughing continuously), I found myself remembering things that I had long put in the "not so important" file in the back of my brain.  It was an awesome walk down memory lane.  After going through my entire "eljay," I thought that it would be a neat idea to start a new, similar journal type thing.  Immediately, blogging came to mind.

As I recall, myspace surpassed livejournal as the new wave of social networking.  When I got into myspace, I continued to use their blogging feature, but didn't really write as much as I used to.  It was more of a forum for photos from various adventures.  Then, myspace met it's demise when facebook came onto the scene.  And, let's face it, it's weird and creepy to post a ton of "notes" on facebook about your life.  For some reason, it's much more normal to post a blog to the entire world of the interwebs as opposed to "notes" that only your "friends" can read.  Alas, here's my new blog.

Now, I think a few updates from the last five years are in order.  I've since graduated from ACC and working at Ben & Jerry's.  I'm now working towards my Bachelors Degree in Geography with a focus in Resource and Environmental Studies at Texas State.  In about three months, I'll be celebrating (if that's what you want to call it) my fifth year at Sam's Club.  I live with my high school sweetheart, my first and only true love.  This past year we celebrated eight years together.  At the end of this past year, we also became engaged.  Our wedding date is set for our ten year anniversary in about a year and a half.  And, I've never been happier than I am right now.